What went wrong THIS time
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I only realized a couple of hours ago that, considering my username, I should really be banking on the Kobe Bryant hooha that's going on right now. Then again, I don't really know what to say. I picked the username in honor of the Japanese culinary delight, not in honor of a NBA beefcake supahstah. Then again again, I have never actually eaten Kobe beef -- I was simply fascinated by the stories I heard that farmers would go out and massage their cows just to get such tender meat; additionally, I have never really had much of an opinion on Kobe at all.

So what the hell? It would have been better if I had picked the username 'Gigli-sux' or something, but it didn't cross my mind in [checks older.html] May 2001.

I haven't seen 'Gigli' either but I did have to sit through the preview when I saw 'Pirates of the Caribbean' (I think .. I've seen more movies than usual this summer). Because I tend to think that everyone in the world has the same opinions as I do, here are some universal laws:

1) Everyone in the world who is not working at People magazine, Us Weekly, E! or VH1 is tired of the J-Lo/B-Af conglomerate.

2) Out of those who saw the preview of the movie, everyone in the world groaned. In unison.

3) Out of those who saw the preview, everyone in the world was more interested in the autistic fellow that B&J were supposedly protecting (aka neglecting while engaging in stilted 'sexual tension' or what have you, aka neglecting while gettin' it on with each other).

4) Everyone in the world is sick of the dumb ole E!-like media but still sometimes watches 'FashionTelevision' so that everyone in the world can maybe catch a glimpse of Wes Anderson backstage at the Imitation of Christ fashion shows. (And everyone in the world did! And the fashion reporter lady talked to Owen Wilson too, who was by far the spaciest fashion interviewee that everyone in the world has seen.)

5) Everyone in the world wants 'The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou' to come out rightnowrightnow to wash away all of this 'Gigli' nonsense.

6) Everyone in the world daydreams about Jason Schwartzman. :-)

2003-08-08 12:46 a.m.
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