What went wrong THIS time
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It's sad that Barry White died, because his voice really was that amazing .. dare I say, sexy? (I think I just quoted Dave Attel [Atell?] but it was unintentional.) I'm sure I was the only person that ever ever thought that. But Barry White reminds me of my far-off crush from two years ago, whom I'd mentioned briefly in this diary once or twice; the crush object was pretty slight and very pale, but his voice was Barry White's. And it was scary. And sexy. And White himself had a very nice smile.

And I have been listening to little else than the "Astronaut Jones" theme song for the past few days, as 'splained (or touched upon) in my web page that is not Diaryland. It used to be "Cosmic Dancer" about 90% of the time, and now it's "Astronaut Jones." It's just so catchy. Every time I turn my head I do it in a snappy, snazzy manner and sing "ROCK-ET ... I'm taking a rock-et ..." And the loungey-swing feel to the song makes it sound so classy. Classy, unlike that guy R. Kelly! Gee, that guy should keep his mannerisms and his songs (for example, "Ignition (Remix)") to himself.1

1. I am downloading "R.Kelly - Ignition remix.mp3" right now.

P.S. I love the superscript html tag -- "sup"! That is pretty great. SUP FOO?

2003-07-05 12:36 a.m.
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