What went wrong THIS time
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Well, maybe you'd like to know that after my shower tonight (Sunday night, of course), I mistook a sports bra for lower-body underwear.

Yet another reason I should be on a big-brother-esque reality tv series. BECAUSE I WOULD MAKE AN ASS OF MYSELF. But it'd be OK, because I'd be paid (I think). That's right, I'm all about the long green.

But think about it -- although the reality tv show wave is hopefully ohgodpleasepleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez dying down (for the sake of seeing something that was actually thought out and crafted to be put on television listed in the TV guide), if I really wanted to, I would probably be able to ride this rocket until it finally milks itself dead. (Oh, mixed metaphors.)

While the reality pie is still hot, I'm sure I could propose something to one of the smaller networks that wants a piece of it. I may not be a swinging twentysomething hoping to give my long-term relationship a tune-up on Erotic Good Time Island, but UPN doesn't have any reality shows (other than Blind Date-type things?), right? They'd snap me up in a second, I bet.

(And I would snap up their snapping me up, for then I'd have the chance to say I was on the same network as the ill-fated but endearing "Homeboys in Outer Space.")

2003-06-30 4:19 a.m.
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