What went wrong THIS time
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So among the choice things I did today (mainly in front of the television), Denise suggested we watch bits of my Beck tape (where I would tape anything and everything that Beck appeared on from 1999-2001 or so, but only until then because I lost it until I cleaned my room a couple of months ago). I watched almost all of it, which was loverly, despite silly VH1 BTM2 voice-overs. But it is VH1's job/DUTY to be silly, I think. More commentary on that later.

But anyway, I relived the Grammy award show moment from a couple of years (?) ago. It was 'Album of the Year' -- Beck/Midnite Vultures vs. Eminem/I forget which (the Marshall Mathers LP?) vs. Radiohead/Kid A vs. someone vs. Steely Dan/something. So I had a lot riding on that one -- Beck, Radiohead, .. that's 2/5. And as soon as I saw Eminem, I was like "Ohh, I remember now. Poor Beck/Radiohead. Eminem wins everything! Derf" and then before I even finishing thinking "Derf" Bette Midler and Stevie Wonder announced that the winner was STEELY DAN. And THEN I really remembered and felt the exact same "Whuhh?" from then rush over me. It was deja-vu all over again, and I was duped for a second time.

(Diaryland, you are the only one to whom I can confess my deepest emotions. Like the "Whuhh?" one.)

2003-07-23 1:23 a.m.
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