What went wrong THIS time
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sniggering. but it's pretty true, heh. but, I still want to see the new film when it comes out in theatres. but, I might have to settle for downloading it online, unless it actually DOES come out on time and in English while I'm here in th' land of the rising sun. but, that is not likely.

I also want to watch the 'Hotel Chevalier' short, but I can't download it from itunes. Not even for like computer geek superiority reasons ("I'm not saddling my system with that program, no sir"), because I have itunes, but I don't have an itunes account. they are asking me for credit card information (even though the film is free), and my life with credit cards ended about a month ago.

I'm living in a cash society now, man. I just paid my gas bill at a convenience store. One could say I'm living in a convenience society.

piggly wiggly.

now playing: the especially sour line of Bill Fay's "Scream In The Ears"
("what a great party this is")

2007-09-27 8:35 a.m.
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