What went wrong THIS time
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Today! Mother's Day. We gave her a present that we'd made just about nine hours before, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't a good present. It is one of those "coupon" books (1 free dog-walking from one of the kids, 1 free breakfast from one of the kids, 4 hours of yard work assistance with no complaining, etc.), and it is "cute" and she seemed to really appreciate it. And we will follow through on our coupon commitments, oh yes we will. No slacking for the boys and me this year, disregarding the fact that we finally got a present together around midnight of this Mother's Day Sunday. (My older brother just got home from kawledge around 6pm on Saturday, anyway.)

Though I was inside for most of it, the day's weather was the weird, unpredictable kind that I really like: hailing and pouring one minute, then clear the next.

Today is also Bruce McCulloch's birthday (1961, oh my)! In honor of it at work today, I covertly swiped one of those small, edible cake decoration tags that say "Happy Birthday" on them and ate it. That was $1.00 (US) dedicated to the one - the only - Brucio. It was staler than I'd prepared my sensations for but it was still really tasty. It was a lot tastier than the three cookies I also covertly swiped from work.

You may ask yourself (other than stuff about how you got here) about why I can steal stuff from work and *not* drive myself crazy with guilt, etc. Well. I am allowed to take from the pile of unsold baked goods (other than cookies and coffee cake, because these can last for a couple of days on the store racks without going unattractive) after my shift, and my co-workers and I all wet our whistles accordingly, and completely legally (abiding by the rules of our humble bakery). But last Monday, the 6th, was the guy in my pre-calc / history / physics classes' birthday (in addition to my other friend Katherine's and John Flansburgh's), and I attempted to swipe a special heart-shaped cookie (no lovey-dovey suggestions intended, really) while I was at work the day before. But I didn't. So, being bored today, I decided to try it, because NO ONE EVER buys these cookies and I needed something to do. But now, yes, I do feel kind of guilty; especially because, after I tried one, these cookies aren't that great at all. Hardly magnificent, hardly worth the effort of trying to dodge the security camera system (and yes, we do have one).

My mother is yelling at me and getting kind of aneurysm-like, so I must go. Haha, happy mother's day.

2002-05-12 10:51 p.m.
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