What went wrong THIS time
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You know the boy in my pre-calc class whose #1 goal for high school was to do the nasty?

Well. He did said nasty.

Not that I witnessed it, but so I heard from my female friend who sometimes gets on my nerves and also considers this boy to be "her best guy friend, which is, like, weird, 'cos I *never* have guy friends" except she ALWAYS has guy friends. Or she just dotes over a lot of guys a lot of the time. Whatevs. Don't trust the eyes of someone fogged up by on-again-off-again jealousy.

But, yes. I assume it was with the girl he always talks about, the girl who went to my elementary school (a grade younger than me) and was a covert bitch to my friend at her fifteenth birthday party and a decidedly overt bitch to my other friend just a couple of weeks ago. She does not dress like a woman of the night, per se, but .. actually, she kind of does. But that's not my main dig because she's certainly not the most woman-of-the-nightly that's walked our school halls. Apparently he and this girl 'hook up' a lot, so this was probably just an extension of their usual routine.

The revelation depressed me somewhat. It's not like I can't look at him the same way, because I completely forgot about it during history class (he sits in front of me and frequently turns around) even two seconds after I had been told of his doing. [How appropriate. DOOO-ING.]

But ..... but. He was one of the few guys whose virginity I was sure of, simply because he told me. Having had no experience in the field (being a "KISS virgin! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!!!1!!", as my female friend so sensitively puts it), it's really strange to know (or hear about) which people do it or which people do not, because it's so hard to tell. Usually I assume that everyone does a lot more than I do, which is nothing; it was nice to know that a guy, reasonably attractive (in my secret opinion) and funny and really intelligent, had not "had a lay" yet. In fact it was really nice. It's understandable for him to want to because it's our dumb ol' culture and sexual society. But damn.

Also, I'm a bit irked because she can be quite a bitch, and it only perpetrates my krayzay theory that everyone else but me (but especially the bitches / annoying people / almost-aggravatingly nice and pretty and legitimate people) can snag a guy that they want. I add "that they want" to the end because I'm fairly certain a healthy percentage of the male heterosexual population is satisfied engaging in coital fever with any female, or anything resembling a female. Both of these ideas make me cry, cry, cry about the state of the human race [and how it applies to myself].

Because I am egocentric. And annoying. And a spinster.

2002-03-18 6:21 p.m.
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