What went wrong THIS time
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There were about ten other super-blog entries I was planning to add last Friday, but someone came up and started talking to me so I hastically closed the Diaryland window. And I forgot to clear the history, even though I kept telling myself to do that! OH yeah.

Anyway, those entries will be sorely missed. They were probably great entries, too. I can't remember what they were about, but they were certainly 1000x better than whatever's in this text box right now.

By the way: except for killing time in the school library, I haven't been on the internet in a while. I'm starting up again, yes, but I feel so out of it. Also, I signed up for several different free webpage things, and none of them are within 1,000,000 miles of PANNING OUT. I think I also have a tendency to read things saying "Free!! With FTP Service, too!!!" and then BELIEVE THEM.

A Baby-Sitters Little Sister (C) moment: Boo. Gigundo boo.

It is sad that I remember details about Kristy's little stepsister's life and I completely forgot about my US History and English exams today. Heh. I also forgot it was a half-day (like the rest of this week, this week the last week of school) AND I nearly forgot about a band leadership meeting (hyar hyar *makes nerd motion*) AND I still haven't brought my single-axle car for physics class up to passing standard.

(But I remember that Karen got married to Ricky on the playground! With her best friends (from her mom's and dad's houses, respectively) Hannie and Nancy watching proudly!)

2002-06-11 2:17 p.m.
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