What went wrong THIS time
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Aw. I did kind of badly on my SATs. I thought I had lowered my standards for my Score Acceptabilityness (..) range of scores, and I didn't even make that one. I got the same score as I received on the PSATs from my sophomore year, in one fell swoop defying everything people had told me about the SATs (a failsafe 50-100 points better? HAH!) *and* proving that I am certainly regressing, probably all the way back to my life in the womb. AND I just spent a long time downloading a song that turned out to be initially grating and tragically forgettable.

I think I will go to bed now, and wrap myself in my blanket. If anyone has an IV or something that could at least *symbolize* an umbilical cord, give it here.

2002-05-25 2:05 a.m.
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