What went wrong THIS time
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Oh my, Diaryland. There are many back pages containing my old design. You are disappointing me much like the supposedly vunderbar free website providers out there, who, when I press the "submit" button to create an account, mysteriously stop transfering data to my computer.

But at least I am listening to some good songs right now to correct the wrong from the previous entry. And my Of Montreal CD - the one of the eBay persuasion - came yesterday! Challah.

Ugh. But don't even try to appeal to my bruised intellectual side right now. It's not even like I got a horrible score, but I spent a lot of time telling my parents that "I think maybe I did well" on the test, and now they will probably send me to that Auto-Diesel College (one of the latest wonderfully personal pamphlets I've received). At least I can say I was nominated to that nationalyouthleadersconferencethingamajig to take place this summer. Not that I turned the form in in time to be elected, nor that I wanted to do so, but maybe this will help sweeten the sour bag of crap that my standardized testing has become.

I bought "dressy-casual" clothes today yesterday. That was an experience, a kind of bad one. But I found that my hair looks kind of nice pulled up in a certain way, even if it hasn't been washed in several days.

'Meaningless, meaning less than a game of chess, just like your mother said (and mother knows best).'

2002-05-25 2:27 a.m.
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