What went wrong THIS time
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I feel good! Didn't know that I would.


Should I go to a 826 happy hour where author of "A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius" D'Eggs will be making an appearance?? I only volunteered as an 826 clerk like four times in the summer, I'm not even on facial recognition terms with all the actual workers or any other volunteers. And I'd be going there by myself. Muh?

I've got a few minutes to decide -- whether to walk, or to sit.


I just want to rent a karaoke booth and sing "God Give Me Strength" (after all this DiaryLand nostalgia) with all the power in my lungs, have some tears stream down my face. (Strange - I'm not actually sad right now. Just feels right, hormonally, at the moment.)

2012-10-01 5:17 p.m.
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