What went wrong THIS time
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An English professor who once played in a Jonathan Richman cover band with Glenn Mercer of the Feelies calls in to my radio show and has mentioned this to my friend (who takes a class with the guy).

matt (10:17:46 PM): he LOVES your radio show
Auto response from me (10:17:46 PM): SERIOUSLY NOW.
matt (10:17:48 PM): i talked to him about it today
me (10:43:27 PM): awwwwww!
me (10:43:30 PM): seriously?
matt is idle at 10:48:29 PM.
matt (11:06:34 PM): yes
Auto response from me (11:06:34 PM): project runway!
Auto response from matt (11:06:34 PM): I am away from my computer right now.
matt is no longer idle at 11:06:35 PM.
matt (11:06:48 PM): he was like "there's this girl, mika, who shares my musical sensibilities!"
matt (11:15:52 PM): and then he told me about all the orange juice and josef k 45s he still has
matt (11:15:59 PM): and used to play his junior year of college
matt (11:16:08 PM): it was such a great time

If I hadn't found out that he listens with his professorial wife AND their thirteen-year-old son, I would be less hesitant to play the wet-pussy-oriented "Sally (That Girl)" by Gucci II Crew.

2006-01-24 6:35 p.m.
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