What went wrong THIS time
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ARRRRGH. I was almost completely ready to take a Greyhound to Richmond for THE MOUNTAIN GOATS tonight (+ songs:ohia and los strugglers). I was even going to meet Jamie rocksolidaudio! But I got really confused when they switched the venue like this morning so I decided to wait till 2 (when the place opened) to call the first venue. Got the right information, then went to buy my bus ticket. AND THE BUS STATION CLOSES AT 2PM!! So annoying. It's not as though John Darnielle doesn't come to this area often, but he won't be here for .. at least a month!

Eh. I don't know why the '2PM' didn't jump out at me before when I checked the bus schedule. I was getting so pumped up for this. :-(

And about four days after I started using Soulseek, it doesn't work ... so I'm relying on good old internet music hubs. I don't need to tell all you hip kids to listen to a Belle & Sebastian song from the new album. (Cough.)

Scattered among the many attractive/interesting people who show up at the radio station's Friday listening meetings are at least a couple of attractive/interesting people who are somewhat approachable! I wish I knew those guys' names, though. For now they are simply 'those two cute guys with glasses' in my head.

2003-09-06 5:16 p.m.
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