What went wrong THIS time
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T minus twenty-five minutes till I leave the dorm for Russian literature class. (I type this to remind myself.)

So, social or antisocial tendencies? I don't know. Actually, I'm probably more anti than no-prefix but it's strange. Sometimes/often, while walking to class ('cos it takes a long while from my dorm), I get all angsty about how I am too shy to properly smile at people. I pass by people all the time and can see them coming for a long while as the paths are long and I wait,wait,wait to see if we actually make eye contact, at which point I give my trademark crooked half-smile and look at the ground. MAN. TIRED of this big-roving-ball-of-insecurity thing. (For the record: yeah. I'm a big ball.)

But then I can manage to toss off a couple of conversational exchanges with people. I guess this depends more on the other people. But anyway, I get a [false?] sense of security amid the insecurity ball.

It would be funny if my next entry was a totally drunk entry thrown together after having macked it with the soccer team AND/OR ultimate frisbee team.


I love how it seems like Michael Ian Black got a haircut in the middle of taping "I Love the 70s" commentary. (Finally watching TV after at least a week of letting the machine sit there.)

2003-09-02 1:05 p.m.
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