What went wrong THIS time
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�It's snowing!

.. sorry, I still view snowfall as a happy little meterological present. The ice that coats our driveway is another story altogether. Stupid ice! and even stupider tractionless shoes!

I am still waiting for a good walk-in-the-snow partner. (Dogs do not count.) But it's reassuring to see all of this wintry weather past Christmas holidays. February is an OK month, even with that whole Valentine's Day bollocks. I have come to accept February 14th as a day to receive hugs from and give Fonzie-esque "'Eyyyyy"s to everyone. Who needs that whole significant other CRAP! I shouldn't be waiting for a strolling partner, I should be swimming in Cadbury Creme Egg creme filling.

It's decided, then.

2003-01-26 5:08 p.m.
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