What went wrong THIS time
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I am going to make myself get off the computer (temporarily) once this musicmatch jukebox playlist finishes. Two songs to go ...

Super-trendy has not exploded yet! We beat the system, for a day at least. Actually it probably wasn't going to die the minute Endore's clock struck midnight on today, April 1st, but I have a cartoony sort of imagination.

Regarding the previous entry, I didn't make myself feel bad, which is good. I feel stupid for even mentioning the fact that I might make myself feel bad. Most of the time when I feel bad, it is caused by myself. I know this every time I feel bad, but you might agree with me that arguing with yourself is not a fucking cake walk, and usually you lose. To yourself. And you don't win, either, which is the worst part. It feels stupid to say this, but I feel just fine now, and the weather parallels my being fine. (Read: the weather is nice fine.) (I should learn to write someday.)

And so the music comes to a close: Happy birthday Ralph, I love you, even though you have a beard. Happy birthday Ralph, even though you are perverted and weird.

2002-04-01 4:27 p.m.
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