What went wrong THIS time
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Another holy. Holy holy, the Peter Bjorn & John album is sooooooooo good. And I thought just "Young Folks" was enough to be great! And truthfully, I've only just now listened to the first two tracks on the album, and track 2 is so wonderful. I feel like I'll be hearing it in a movie soon. But it's okay, it's soooo good.

What is it going to be like when/as everyone's memories of "the first time I heard that song" all take place in front of their computer? Possibly, also, with their childhood Sesame Street blanket and unwashed hair? and having eaten only __ vegetable(s) in the past week or so?

Anyway. PB&J (ah!) is stuck, here, now.

I was listening to the Vejtables' track 2 a lot last week, and the week before, not knowing what to do. I still don't know what to do but I certainly don't want to feel like a bitter old hag, so some swelling PB&J harmonies can slap the lovelorn 60s near-psychedelic pop right out. Or can they.

2006-11-20 11:30 p.m.
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