What went wrong THIS time
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Augh. Now, NOW I have no reason to complain, because this week is fairly manageable and I even got home at 4:10PM today! But now I've been lulled into a false sense of security from Thanksgiving break* and am easily distracted by things like adding things to my Netflix queue and rating every single movie I can remember seeing. Netfliiiiixxxxxxx!!!

* = Thanksgiving break more like Thanks-be-to-God-for-SLEEPING am I right?!

Thanksgiving was short, sweet, considerably smaller amount of familial conflict than previous visits home. Oh, there was still some. But not as much. And I still love my family, and miss my dog.

I got pretty worried as my dad ended up driving me back (even though I was bite the bullet and ride Greyhound for the first time in a year or more); while he was asking me a question regarding the topic at hand, he started blinking and had his mouth ajar a little bit. Got over it in a couple seconds, then continued his sentence. I asked if he was okay, he continued the conversation as it was before, then minutes later he asked if I had my learner's permit on me. Yes, I did, I asked why. Just in case.

I was relieved beyond belief when he text-messaged me upon getting back home hours later--his first text-message ever! Aw Pops.

I have to talk on the phone with promoters every week because of my unpaid job at the radio station, but one of them likes to talk about our respective Netflix queues and another likes to talk about Degrassi and Silver Apples, so it's cool, sometimes.

One of the best songs I've heard this semester, thanks specifically to opening up radio station mail, is "Sundet" by Guther--I feel like a lot of bands try to do that type of sound/style, but aren't nearly as light and airy and melodic and temperate and great-sounding as that one is.

Ohhhhh kayeee, once I break out the really-boring-online-music-review speech I know it's time to start work. Syntax of the Tongan language, you're up!

2006-11-27 10:32 p.m.
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