What went wrong THIS time
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I have a job now. Still have an 8:30am class, too, so I should go to sleep.

I've never had a job where I could post to an internet journal and glance furtively around toward my co-workers and overheads. Bakeries, babysitting, and Japo-Korean restaurants are not so geared toward such activities. Well I guess I had a semi-job at the radio station this year, but student senate is going to stop paying everyone (except for five billion extraneous newspaper editors) in student activities because they (like one or three guys in the senate) are fuckers!

Nevertheless. The radio station's computer is ridiculously slow, and now I have this semi-office job with lots of idle time and online-crossword-completion (and glancing furtively around).

I hope my eyes don't burst into flames due to 7-hour shifts mostly in front of computers (unless I sneak out 'on assignment' and really just into the blazing sun).

Bedtime. I forget how to say it in Old English (in class we basically breezed through Middle English and the Renaissance in one session), but imagine lots of "th" sounds in it. Bedthime, it is.

2006-06-20 12:46 a.m.
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