What went wrong THIS time
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Diaryland is really convenient, I realize. I is un genius.

Anyway, www.blogger.com is down. Sigh. I haven't really had to deal with blogger problems for a while, so I'm extra disappointed right now. I actually have little tchotchky (sp? will anyone care if I spell that one wrong?) things to post! Such as: [1] how I was listening to Momus' "Supershy" and how it should be my theme song, [2] how Momus' daily photo is really cool, [3] how Aaron Burr is the craziest mofo in American history (so far).

Well, I guess I just used up all my blogging in here ... geez, now I've got to think of something else to say on my actual website. Smarm.

.. No, wait, blogger's still down. 'S OK. I have to type up my English notes anyhow.


2001-11-08 10:15 p.m.
profile notes e-mail