What went wrong THIS time
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As I was going to sleep on late Sunday slash early Monday, the phrase in the previous phrase's entry popped into my head because I am a comedic genius. Also, I laugh at my own one-liners as I go to sleep.

I am extremely wary yet continually fascinated by the prospect of auditioning for the campus sketch comedy group. The site and the girl I e-mailed both said that definitely no prior experience is necessary, but ... agh. As far as my limited experience goes, I'm not much for a performer, unless I just have Charles Laughton syndrome and think I'm a horrible actor when I actually rock the house, so to speak. But I don't even make up for my lack of performing sketch comedy experience with writing sketch comedy experience, because I definitely don't have any of THAT either. All I have to offer are the many hours of sketch comedy I've absorbed from watching logged in my brain, but all this can equal is stealing bits and writing hopelessly derivative original ones.

I haven't signed up for an audition time, and I don't know if I should. AGH. Usually I say that mediocrity is the thing I want to avoid, but now I'm just saying that BOMBING AND BEING (UN)HILARIOUSLY UNFUNNY is what I would want to avoid, were I to sign up.


2003-10-07 10:53 p.m.
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