What went wrong THIS time
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Oh yeah! I will get to meet or stand in the general vicinity of JONATHAN RICHMAN tomorrow/today in sixteen hours or so. I don't know what I'm going to do. Mostly just stand around with a tape recorder, and embarrass myself by asking for a picture but having a slip of tongue and asking him to TAKE ME.

This is, of course, not true. I would only slip up in a way that produces non-sensical words and sounds, that make everyone uncomfortable instead of making everyone realize I was referring to things on a second or third or upper level of understanding.

All I can do is listen to R. Stevie Moore (of the moment-- "Pow Wow") and know that there is someone at least as removed and silly as me existing out there somewhere. Except, of course, he is much more gifted musically and in the general 'creative' nature.

Diaryland proves nothing, but still provides me some relief from writer's block and crazy jumbled-up thoughts.

2007-02-11 2:46 a.m.
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