What went wrong THIS time
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The past weekend, even if this coming weekend will be full of work, was good!
Secret: Ted Leo is a wonderful straight-up dude and is so nice and friendly to surprised fans taken-off-guard when he is the first person they see upon entering a venue where he is to play. And he even came to the semi-not-really after party, stood around, and stuck a beer bottle in his mouth suggestively simply for someone's photo taking! In an endearing way!

Secret: Ted Leo's drummer Chris was nice too, not that I talked to him but my little brother did this past summer once. My friend Chris, who hadn't gone to the show and is generally very extreme in his opinions of people and things, was dismayed when the drummer Chris walked by and quietly observed Chris' turtle (Large Marge), who was being held by Jon or Heather at that point. "IT'S A TERRAPIN."

Secret: Ted Leo's bassist is still smokin' hot, even with the cocker-spaniel-ear-throwback long curls!

Secret: Ted Leo's sound guy totally made out with some chickadee (I don't think anyone in the room knew who she was) and broke the beer pong table in the basement of where I lived this past summer!

Secret: I almost typed BEAR pong! Also, I hate beer pong! Flip cup is much better--inclusively team-oriented. Or, just straight up sitting around and feeling love for everyone anyway.

Secret: nice boys, nice men, nice people! And nice girls (but I knew they were nice before)!

There probably won't be more on this later, as there is too much work I have to wait to be able to hurriedly do at the last minute. More will come out as regurgitated memories, though, don't you worry.


2006-12-05 1:29 a.m.
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