What went wrong THIS time
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Oh man, I am now one of those girls (because they're always girls, aren't they?) who cry on their cell phones outside the library entrance like ten minutes before the library closes.

Their boyfriends had called earlier, asking about plans for later but really just re-hashing what they had been ticked off about the night before. Then the girls call their boys back, late on, and it turns out the plans didn't amount to anything, because apparently they're at an impasse anyway, even though the girls hadn't thought that, and that's why they had called them back, when I guess they didn't have to at all.

They cry because it's cold outside and their sweatshirt and other things are still inside, way down in the basement viewing room, because that's where they were watching a movie while eating a meatball sub, without any guards around to make sure no one brings food into the library, far away.

Both girls and boys are trying really hard not to be passive-aggressive, and yet, they still are--even while entering into a series of phone calls classified as aggressive-aggressive.

These girls get home and listen to Antony and the Johnsons, who help the girls somewhat because the band is made up of a bunch of gender-confused hoohas, still with nice string arrangements and major chords. Too bad boys don't like that band!

2006-03-20 12:46 a.m.
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