What went wrong THIS time
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How does no one on livejournal list 'fuckin gonuts' as an interest?

or even 'fuckin' gonuts'??

Why did I pick an extremely dry grammar of Ayacucho Quechua to report (for 10-20 pages) on? Quechua is qumpletely fuquing qurazy, at least in the million zillion different types of suffixes added to nouns AND/OR verbs AND/OR every single part of speech!

It's no fuckin gonuts, just completely FUCKED UP!

Just kidding. I actually like it. But it's really hard to understand, and then to write about. Luckily this thing is due in eight hours or so. I took an hour out tonight for Top Model/eating dinner and about an hour and forty minutes for feeling upset/teary/snot-filled in his car.

I don't even know what to do. I feel like everyone has a bad breakup, and that a bad breakup is probably a lot worse than an honest, sensitive, concerned approach. But it sucks, so, so, much. And now I'm at the point where I'm not even distracted by all the academic shit that has to get done. Such as this language patterns paper.

The Angels are pretty sweet, though.

2006-11-16 2:46 a.m.
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