What went wrong THIS time
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- singing along to ... "hearts and thoughts they fade, faaaaaaaaaaade awayyay"
- pearl jam!

- "I didn't mean for us to end up in a parking lot"

- not that I minded

- "Also, I think you are very beautiful"

I can't quite grasp how wonderful this kid is. The past few weeks have been very unreal, at least most of the portions when it's been me 'n him, alone together.

Especially the fact that when he came inside my house to help me with my bags, we ended up watching the entirety of 'Scarface' (1932) with my dad on Turner Classic Movies and then immediately afterward, they played the BEST 20-MINUTE MUSICAL/COMEDICAL REEL EVER. I couldn't believe our luck in having witnessed the thing. How the--what the hell.

And even though my hair gets all fucked up whenever we're together, he still reaches over and holds my hand while he's driving, which is not nearly as treacly but just as dangerous as it seems.

Uhhh, silly.

2005-03-09 12:11 p.m.
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