What went wrong THIS time
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must make a note for myself to not hang out with so many foreigners. geez man! I mean, it was enjoyable--after much bar-hopping and meeting of p33ps, I got to pick "Always Be My Baby" at karaoke and that seemed to go okay--but we had to wait out the first-train-of-the-morning while in the karaoke bar, so it just felt like a huge walk of shame and then I get home and realize I've just been listening to people sing to "The Fray" and "System of a Down" (a song other than the one that was a hit on TRL) and "Some Non-Japanese Band I Actually Haven't Heard Of" and my apartment is still kind of messy and unprepared and augh. Time management. And now it's like 7 in the morning, sleep schedule be ridonkulonk. AUGHHH.
2007-08-17 5:05 p.m.
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