What went wrong THIS time
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I should get up and do something or at least put on a shirt. I'm supposed to be somewhere this weekend! And my apartment is a mess!

But, oh. Oh. Internet. Why do you tease me so, letting me revisit old Conan sketches that entertained me so much, so many years ago?

You're still not complete enough. There are only brief messageboard mentions of some of my favorites. Andy Blitz long sports chants, Preparation H Raymond (you'd think there'd be more clips of this!), Fun Hole, the That's Fantastic guy, the Slip Nutz, you know, oh god. There are probably 1000s more, my mind is faltering. I am torn between wanting to remember all of them and getting up to actually do something with my holiday weekend.

Anyway, I'm going to go to a really awesome festival (Danjiri Matsuri) about 40 minutes away; people die in it every year. You can watch a ton of "Danjiri Matsuri accident" videos on youtube, and I suspect my camera and I will add to that media glut when I get back on Monday.

It's probable that my festival spectator face will look like this:

2007-09-15 1:22 a.m.
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