What went wrong THIS time
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I was watching 'Ed' yesterday because at college the only things I have watched on TV are:

- the Daily Show

- Ed

- "That's My Baby" on Animal Planet (I have now witnessed the birthing of piglets and the selling of bassett hound puppies)

but anyway, Phil (Michael Ian Black) was going to be the guest on the high school kid's cable access talk show, and it was funny because he dressed up for his guest appearance and HE TOTALLY LOOKED LIKE A MEMBER OF KRAFTWERK. It was pretty eerie. I don't know if that's supposed to be a tenet of his character on the show but yeah, the show was very enjoyable, as have been the other two episodes I've seen so far.

Yeah teevee. Now I have to start my Russian lit historical reading on sodomy, prostitution and rape.

2003-10-09 9:52 a.m.
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