What went wrong THIS time
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I hate annoying last minute assignments. And I hate assignments that I put off until the last minute. I mean, why else would I put them off if I didn't hate them??

... so read the explanation that no one, not even I, asked.

I am the most behind in following the news than I have been in maybe four years, and this is the year I have to regularly spout out my opinions on current events. But current events discussions don't even register a blip on the screen of goddamn school assignments that loom in the not-too-distant future! BLAH! NOT A BLIP!

But I went to the first rehearsal for the district youth ensemble band thing for which I auditioned. And that was OK. And I got a Ferrero Rocher chocolate -- fo' free!

2003-01-07 10:40 p.m.
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