What went wrong THIS time
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_________ is a hottie!

[Note: "You," "they" and "we" are the best pronouns to put in that blank.]

[Aside: I've been saying "yo" in real life an awful lot lately, like to teachers and such. It is completely ... "whacked."]

[???: It is so much better when, in a gushy good-bye exchanged between lovers, one says "Wank about me" instead of "Think about me." Huhhuh, WANK.]

[???!: My band teacher in all seriousness said "Booty-booty-bum" in rehearsal today to describe the rhythm of a certain part in our music. I laughed out loud -- what else can one do at that point? -- and the teacher acknowledged the base greatness of his descriptive skills.]

2003-01-08 11:55 p.m.
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