What went wrong THIS time
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To be able to completely shed all self-consciousness would be great, thanks!

... No one offered. But still, it would be great, and it never hurts to be courteous.

Actually, sometimes I wonder if I'm too courteous. I feel like the most boring person ever a lot of the time, and it seems that adding more sass to my demeanor and being less "please"-y or "thank you"-y or making-bland-comments-instead-of-barbed-comments-for-the-sake-of-not-stepping-on-anyone's-toes would make me more interesting to others.

Also, a lot of the stuff that comes out of my mouth (or threatens to come out of my mouth) is rather nonsensical, and I don't realize it until the words tumble out and make me sound like a rambling old man. So sometimes I don't say things.

I also hate it when you have a dream about some occurrence and then, in real life, you approach someone who was in the dream and start talking about it as if it were also real, i.e.

A: Heheh, and remember when he was at Subway with us and started drinking from the soda dispensers?

B: Ummm ... no.

A: Come ON, it was right after we all went fishing in slow motion!


A: Wait a minute.

2003-02-05 11:25 p.m.
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