What went wrong THIS time
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School/work starts again tomorrow after a lazy, INCREDIBLY HOT summer break.

I never forget my diaryland password no matter how much time passes.

(It is not "BIGDICKLOVER" or anything like that.)

trying to write more but wondering what good solipsism can do. trying to write more but am TOO HOT TO DO ANYTHING, my sweat streams down and it feels like tears. but they're not tears! what would I be crying about, anyway? other than writing frustrations. I live a charmed life.

feeling a little anxious about work and money. it's silly.

reaching the point where I don't want to own many or any POSSESSIONS other than a computer, a strict and limited uniform, a library card, a box of photos and letters, and a small chest of trinkets and treasures. okay, well now I'm thinking about musical instruments. but other than that? and other future exceptions?

to work. I'm sure I'll be back soon.

2010-09-01 12:01 a.m.
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