What went wrong THIS time
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I am dundudududone with everything officially now, because I finally finished my half-assed film paper (even though I liked the film with ALL my ass but I've just had the concentration of a two-year-old for the past two days). Well, except for the fact that the girl I'm supposed to give my books (the freshman class president, who conveniently lives on my hall) for the student book sale is .. um, back home, and I don't know how that'll work out. GIVE ME MONEY DAMMIT.

If you could see my away message right now, you would know that

i have a 4.0 GPA according to the one class that has posted my grade! i rock!! shortly i will not rock.
Because aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh I studied and studied for astronomy -- despite intermittent blog/lj posts -- I really really did -- and the universe actually hates me, apparently. Goddamn universe, you and your expansion and your somehow forming everywhere instantaneously out of nothing and your neutron stars and your white dwarfs and your black holes and your cosmic microwave background radiation and your ... perhaps I should stop. Anyway, the point is, yes, the universe hates me.

Luckily, Russian prostitutes think I'm cool, because I did really well in my Russian lit class, because I guess prostitution and revolution comes easier to me than determining the size of our galaxy through the Cepheid variable stars (and GODDAMMIT I was pretty sure I had that down, I hate my astronomy tests, agghghghaghsdahg).

Japanese was fine today (er, yesterday). It's really too bad that the class had to end because there were some nice people in it, but at least some of them are in my next-level class this coming semester. And I'll see Jon at the radio station.

I need to pack.

2003-12-18 2:17 a.m.
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