What went wrong THIS time
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Last night when I was directing moviegoers to the ticket table inside the theater, Adam was singing some bouncy hip-hop song involving the word "milkshake." He said something about how whenever he attends frat/sorority parties he hears all this music he wouldn't ever hear anywhere else, and this was one of them. Also he mixed in lyrics from another one of these songs he hears at such parties, and it involved sweat dripping down balls or something. Then he just made up other songs altogether.

SO. Because I am not as hippin' and hoppin' and pippin' and poppin' with the popular dance tunes of the day as I was a while ago -- if anyone knows what the milkshake song is called proper, or who it's by, then please enlighten me!

2003-12-13 9:49 p.m.
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