What went wrong THIS time
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Jesu Inri, I'm sounding like a broken record--but I have to post some youtubes again. I am so amazed by what li'l middle- or high-school memories I can uncover, rediscover, and then blow up to full-screen sizes (and obsessions)!

middle school. in Canada, natch.
(sorry, I don't usually use the word "natch" and it may be somewhat obvious.)

sometime in high school--maybe junior year? senior year? I mostly listened to "A Certain Kind" over and over again, but still appreciated the sounds a-caressin' my ears, and dabbled very superficially in Wyatt/Ayers solo efforts. But now I'm thinking I should have spent less time worrying about my online government class and more time with psychedelia, man oh man.

Soooo, speaking of which, here are some newly-adapted neo-memories of those past li'l fascinations, thanks to resurfacing videos!!: more Kevin Ayers, and super sweet Robert "marble-mouth" Wyatt.

goddamn. I feel like there's not even enough room to describe the feeling of rediscovering and then discovering-new melodies of the past, because I also want to describe how AMAZING it is that I can see so much R. Kelly, that is, if I want. (My brother just showed me the video for this. So many plot questions linger past video end!)

If everyone had youtube access, a childhood with beloved video-recordable memories, and enough leisure time to re/discover, would there be fewer crack addicts in the country? I don't know. Maybe?

2007-07-04 2:39 a.m.
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