What went wrong THIS time
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I must ask exactly WHEN did all of my free-webpage-service decide to bail out on me? [Of course, when they discontinue their free services they are only bailing out on ME ME ME.] I'm not talking about s-t here (or Diaryland either, I guess), but .. jeez. C'mon. Where are you now that I really need you, want you, must have you, truly madly deeply? Aharhargh.

Well, I still need to do something about my site, because I've been wanting to post things like "OH GOD I'm so stupid" but no one will be able to see them. So now no one will think I'm stupid! (Uh .. hooray?) I would like to move to pastetastesgood dot net, as several people have recommended, but I would feel bad asking for space when I've never contacted the girl before. And she seems pretty darn cool, but I don't want to be imposing, especially since I should have done this a long while ago but I didn't.

And I'm almost considering getting a domain again, but then I shudder. It's still a prospect, actually, but now that I have tasted hosting's sweet fruit, I see how nice being hosted is. But maybe? I don't know. I made a nice amount of money this weekend. Maybe? I don't know. Maybe?

Hah. I *reeeeally* really really should be doing at least one of two other things right now (study for math test tomorrow to salvage my grade -OR- complete my research on my man T.S. Eliot for English to semi-salvage my grade), but I am just fine-tuning my "killing time" skills.

Also, I'm wondering what happens if you delete a person off of your notifylist list. I've never had one before (ooh!), and to my knowledge I haven't been deleted off of one that I subscribe to, so .. do they get an e-mail or something saying something alone the lines of:


Mika cannot for the life of her figure out who you are by your e-mail address, and usually, she's good at that sort of thing; because of this, she is getting an eensy bit hesitant to put super-special-secret stuff in her NotifyList, as she had been planning. So, sorry, you've been cut.




P.S. You also smell.

... because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, even if it is just some e-mail address. Rejection sucks, right? But as long as they don't knoowwwww they've been rejected, it's fine .. right?

Also, I feel like french-braiding my hair (to mask its unwashedness), but my hands will not do anything but continue this entry.

Also, I am listening to "Proceed With Caution" by the New Amsterdams. Yay. Nothing to do with anything.

2002-04-02 10:29 p.m.
profile notes e-mail