What went wrong THIS time
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Since I still can't decide on a domain name, for now I'm simply extending my powers over the free web-publishing services that come my way. It's kinda counter to exactly what I want to do (read: focus my powers in one nice web address), but I'm bored. Soon this shall be yet another dead account, but, paraphrasing the Bloodhound Gang, "Hooray for [dead accounts]."

see the original. Can't beat it with a stick, except for scribble.nu got mighty annoying after a while. I wish I still wrote like that .. kind of a sucky writing style to wish to emulate, but I have wants an' needs like anybody else.

see numerous dork.com accounts. no specific addresses because they are were just places to put junk.

see geocities account ... oh wait, YOU CAN'T 'cos I finally got my bum in gear (*some* sort of gear) and put up an index page to prevent people from looking at my dorky files any longer. but see it anyway. "Blog Pathetique" (as it's casually known) located here, thanks to ftp.

see current webpage, a k a one of the meek oppressed in envy.nu's fascist/crappamungous state.

see dying group blog that I started up some time in April. Well, with a little nudging and shoving, I could probably start it up again, but somehow I think everyone (yes, all 2 others) forgot about it, now that Maggie has the she&Andrea blog.

see diaryland account. HOO! You're looking at it right now, Guy/Girl/Hermaphrodite websurfer. I started it in conjunction with my guestbook, so no one could steal my cool-ass username, if it were possible.

see guestbook #1, which got heckly annoying with the "go build" thing. Yet I kept it, thinking people wouldn't sign or something if I changed the address .. what a fortune teller I was!

see pitas account. Actually, I just started that yesterday, simply to extend my powers. Lower your skyscraper-like expectations of me for this one.

see a whole load of other crap that even *I*, obsessive useless-trivia-mindless-facts-about-my-life girl, have forgotten about.

I am trying to download some New Pornographers since I've heard such pretty words about them. Please, Winmx, put out.

2001-06-26 10:47 p.m.
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