What went wrong THIS time
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This is what I finally wrote yesterday. It was an assignment based around the weekly "Life Is Short" segments in the Washington Post's Style section -- I read them when I can. Although often it seems like some border on trite, I can cut some slack now because I tried to write something and it turned out a lot worse than I hoped it would, so meh. It's 99 words, and the grammar is .. debateable. I may want to try this exercise again in the future.
Aqu�, ahora: seg�n otras, en medio de los a�os mejores de toda mi vida. Cons�dere el pasado: la verdad es que pas� por muchos lugares, asist� a varias escuelas, di con personas inumerables. Pero para todo ese tiempo no me cumpl� de el espacio, las vidas que estaban cerca de yo; me preocupaba m�s encontrar con mis compa�eros y jugar con mu�ecas de caballo. De repente, el mundo cree que estoy preparada para establecer mi vida propia � y no estoy segura de la stabilidad del pasado. El futuro: tengo que aprender como resistir el impulso de volver al pasado.
But when they say it's "Autobiography as haiku," ... what! I don't think 100 words could fit into a 5-7-5 syllabic structure. But I guess I don't know enough about haiku -- or maybe the Post is just kinda freewheelin' with its descriptions.
2004-01-23 12:30 p.m.
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