What went wrong THIS time
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A few weeks ago I decided in my head that college has cleared my skin up. I didn't want to acknowledge it further for fear of jinxing myself, but being home this week has only helped my theory. Yuk!

(I don't really pay attention to what week it is or calendars or menstrual cycles or anything, actually)

Now watch me go back to school on Sunday and have my face, as if on cue, mold itself into one solitary, huge pimple. My head will become a looming whitehead. Or a blackhead. If you want to get technical and racially-metaphorical about it, you could say that ~3/8 of my head would be whiteheadish, half would be yellow pus-like stuff, and ~1/8 would be red, blotchy, and irritated.

Fathers, lock up your sons -- I'm a-comin' to town, and I am relentless in my really horrible and disgusting imagery!

2004-03-13 12:39 a.m.
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