What went wrong THIS time
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I guess I do best in baby steps. My hallmates schmooze with the best/average/worst of 'em ('em being other sociable/drinking people on campus) whereas I usually only leave the room for classes, meals, and the impromptu hallway dance party here and there. (The last session was the EYY! MUST BE DA MONAY!! song.) But I did actually go to an organization interest meeting on Friday afternoon before the freshman convocation ceremony. I, like others, showed interest in becoming a dj for the radio station; we listened to new arrivals and voted on whether the albums should be A- or B-list. It was nice, really great in fact. I didn't talk to anyone except affirm someone else's declaration of the need for pens, but yes.

BUT. The potential djs were instructed to fill out some information on index cards for the station files, and I was already running late to meeting my hall for the convocation ceremony. So after scrawling name/e-mail/mailbox#/phone#/year I got to the "favorite bands" section and hastily scrawled several band acronyms and abbreviations. AND THEN for some reason (maybe because I had been humming "Wild Thing" to myself during the afternoon) I put 'Tone Loc.'

WHAT THE HELL. I've heard "Wild Thing" and "Funky Cold Medina" and I remember seeing several commercials for the cartoon 'C-Bear and Jamal' (in which Mr Loc gave C-Bear life through his voice) and so of course I put him on the "FAVORITE BANDS" section?????

You see what working under pressure or time constraints does to me. It's not great irony either because I don't really make a secret of my appreciation for the two songs I've heard by him, so what the hell?? Since I was writing with a pen I scribbled "IN A HURRY" at the bottom of the card and handed it in. So I hope the station staff doesn't actually read my card and ask me what I thought about the b-side on the funky cold medina 7" or something.

Maybe if they read this diary it would all explain itself, but then again maybe no one should ever, ever, ever read this diary. It probably causes polyps in brains or something. Which explains my behavior all the time.

2003-08-31 1:08 a.m.
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