What went wrong THIS time
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here I am listening to Tweet ft. Missy "Oops (Oh My)" because I've been wanting to hear it for several days since a crazy shift at work.

today wasn't so crazy, but it took more than twice as long to get home, and I'm tired, and it was suddenly cold again. my Boggle ripoff game on the phone didn't recognize my hands as warm-blooded -- I lost points.

I find myself talking about the weather so much recently, and afterward when I notice it I HATE it (Ozu "Good Morning" impudent children style).

anyway, it's too cold to remove my shirt over my head (or suddenly, Oops, realizing it has lifted itself), so I am burrowing in three blankets while listening.

one of my favorite 'reveal' moments about Anna's bf Taka was when we were in his apartment early on in their dating life -- the first room wall to wall to wall to wall on one side FULL of 12" singles, former DJ Osaka party boy that he is -- and after serving us marijuana he put on this very song. but only cuz he liked it so much; he sat with his back to us the entire duration.

I mentioned pot at work on Saturday (in kind of a blithe 4/20 whatever manner) and the trainee's face clouded slightly; he said, "I never, ever would have expected you to be that type of person." I thought he was joking at first, but he wasn't? Well, he might not have been super serious, but he wasn't being funny, either. eh!

The problem is that I have so few drug stories -- out of the experiences, those that actually have anecdotal value -- and I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what's worth telling at all.

at the moment I only want to smoke a bowl on my days off, while it's still light outside, and when I'm well-fed enough. rarely ends up that way. but- summer?

sometimes mornings too, but I always have this idealistic view of morning productivity

barely ever ends up that way anyway though


2013-04-22 2:43 a.m.
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