What went wrong THIS time
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I am up, on the AIM for no real reason (aka not talking), listening to 1990s Quebecois pop (sung by the Madonna of Canada). Bye bye mon cowboy. Bye bye mon gi-go-lo.

About an hour ago I saw the video for "Tribute" and it would be so silly and obvious to say that I think it is GRATE.

I babysat tonightImeanlastnight and the kids, especially the little girl, are very cute (slurring most of her speech like a mini-drunkard, making up stories about attending dance classes and "what [she] did a long time ago when [she] was six" when she is actually three, putting books on her head and announcing it to the world). It is really sad that they live next to a scary person, and I am glad I haven't come into contact with this scary person (yet?).

Tomorrow my big brother will hang up his BMOC status and come home for the summer. Next Tuesday my father will hang up his foreign diplomat status (temporarily) and come home for a month or so to take a test for his master's degree. I am excited. I have yet to do anything for Mother's Day.

'Office Space' rules rules rules.

Someday I will learn to feel through writing rather than simply state things. Eh, maybe I just be's like Hemingway.

2002-05-11 1:32 a.m.
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