What went wrong THIS time
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Really tired right now, working on 2.5 hours of sleep over the past two days, and before that it was a larger number but still worthy of noting. But! I feel semi-OK, knowing that I will be able to sleep in a few minutes, once I finish updating y'allz on the inz and outz of my life. By y'allz I probably mean me.

(An aside: Diaryland, when I finished my long-butt entry from early early early this morning, you claimed to have a broken server. Does this mean that all my rambling has been sapped?)

(Too lazy to check myself.)

But anyway. I saw 'Spiderman' this afternoon! And I am still not sure whether it's 'Spider Man' or 'Spider-Man' or if it's acceptable to write 'Spiderman' like I have been doing. Syntax=rulen.

But anyway. My lunch table (the one on black days, not red days), the ones who had previously suggested and raved about going to see it as a group for tonight, copped out. That is, except me and Denise. After I finished doing really bad acting (and not the funny kind of bad acting, but yeah) for my Spanish project after school, *and* after looking at all the pieces of art in the front hallway, I went to Denise's house and we drove to the theater. Fun fun! Sour Patch Kids and Starbursts reigned, because D's allergy testing (can't eat chocolate right now) said so. We pointed out the impending ridiculousness of the upcoming movie 'Country Bears'

(Denise: "It's like about a bear who's adopted by a human and is made fun of at school for being 'different,' so he moves out to the country to live with the Country Bears."

Me: "Really?"

Denise: "Probably.")

and waited until the 4:40 show started seating. I saw a couple kids from school, including but not limited to the old-skool (somewhat) punk sophomore who wears Black Flag t-shirts and the odd fellow who was in my freshman geometry class who has probably graduated by now (he tore our tickets).

Anyway, we sat in the direct middle of one of the rows in the front of the middle section of rows, if that makes any sense. The place was pretty damn crowded. Everyone is excited for 'Spiderman'! Everyone waits in anticipation!

A *REALLY* weird, coincidental thing that happened happened with the two guys (teenager-ish, one tall and lumbering, one stout and wearing Nirvana t-shirt) directly in front of us. Denise and I were reading the mind-blowingly entertaining movie screen ads and something about the TV show "Becker" came up. I said something about Dave Foley being on "Becker" once except I missed it, and Dave was also on "Win Ben Stein's Money" recently but I missed that too. Denise asked if he'd won, and I said I didn't know, but Scott Thompson was sooo close to winning on "The Weakest Link" despite being beaten out by Greg Proops. The stout fellow in front of me turns around and says he's sorry to interrupt, but did I go to the show a couple of weeks ago? And I say AT CONSTITUTION HALL? YES!! and we have a little discussiony about the Kids in the Hall. He got "all three of them" (Bruce and Kevin apparently headed straight for the bus) to sign his DVD, and then I actually remembered seeing him (Scott stuck his head in between his and his friend's hip area and stuck out his tongue for a photo op)! It turns out that the two of them went to the Warner Theatre show two years ago, the very same show that caused so much rage and angst inside of my humble, not-being-able-to-go-to-KITH-shows body and soul. And that was really neat.

Then we (in pairs) began to talk amongst ourselves again. After a while Denise mentions something about a strange educational video series that we watched last year in algebra II and chemistry, and now this year she watched one in physics. I mentioned the name of the video series, and we were talking about how weird it was. The guy in front of Denise then turns around, slightly bewildered, and says, "I'm sorry to interrupt again, but did you just say --- -------- --------? I just interviewed for a job with them!" Denise and I say REALLY??!? and he says yes, they're right in [name of town close by]. I said maybe we will see him in an upcoming video, and he said that he'd probably just be working behind the scenes and I said something like oh well. Then the other fellow says, "Hmm, why does everything *you* guys talk about somehow relate to *us*?" And it was funny because it was unthreatening yet still VERY WEIRD AND COINCIDENTAL. Yes, it was.

Anyway, the movie. I really liked it, and it was "money well-spent," in both Denise's and my opinions. The place was packed, but the audience wasn't too raucous, despite the unsettlingly high ratio of annoyingteenagers (other than us and the kids in front of us, of course) to unannoyingothermoviepatrons. They started clapping at the credits, but luckily they realized that certain jokes run out fast and die quickly. There were various moments of funny utterances, but they were mostly funny so it was OK. The audience seemed pumped to be there, so that was infectious.

Although there was this one part -- I kept giggling during one of Peter's romancy-schmancy soliloquies to Mary Jane because it just kept dragging on and on, and I found it funny. Denise did too, but the girl next to me (maybe 11-14 years old) did not, and I believed she threw a short glare in our direction. But hey! -- it was funny. And who is she to judge? I find Tobey Maguire / Peter Parker as cute and irrestibile and attractive and dreamy as anyone else .. probably more than SHE does. Woo! Let's hear it for unfounded, hasty assumptions!

Also, the audience and I all collectively giggled at the sight of the Green Goblin mask during this other part. It's just .. yeah. Well. I love how articulate I am.

In summation, I liked it a lot. On the way back from the theater, the lines were pac-pac-packed. Hah for them. And I saw another kid from school, and he actually called my name out from the back of the line, where he and his girlfriend were located. They were also seeing 'Spiderman.'

In Denise's car going home, we sang along to: "It's the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Dandy)" (err, the refrain, at least); "One Headlight" (because dammit, I will never ever forget the words to that song, for reasons my subconscious won't share with me); and "Hanging By A Moment" by blandmasters2000 Lifehouse. Yeah. I like that song because, in the radio single version at least, there is a really really strange part before the last refrain that I always notice, every time I hear it. And no one else notices it either, until I point it out to them. But this time, it was some akyeewstic version, so the part was conspicuously absent. Sad.

Haha. SATs tomorrow morning. Very unprepared, very very. I lent my spifftastic TI-83 calculator out to someone during *last period today*, forgetting that I actually might have to use it on the weekend for once. Dammit. I really hope that the solar-cell, basic function calculator that my brother found underneath his lamp (kid you not) still works. If not, there will be scholastic assessment HELL to raise.

2002-05-03 8:15 p.m.
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