What went wrong THIS time
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No more lyric appropriation! Or only when I feel like it! I hate/love/hatelovehatelovehave livejournal, but it's handy/stupid/handydumbcreepyfilledwithpeople, and I miss this text box (that I've mentioned probably more times than my own name, within the scope of this diary). NEW ERA DIARYLAND IN THE YEAR OF 2000 LICKS! You will put up with my boring crap!

I am excited about my classes this semester.

Japanese language: is what it is (still liked). The third-year level at this school is somehow more low key than every other course offered, EXCEPT FOR...

Intro to philosophy: taken for filling an academic requirement, I seem to have stumbled upon a professor who is honestly a cartoonish parody of a professor, without his even knowing it. I want to take a talkboy recorder pen to this class and prove it.

Ozu film seminar: so I like Ozu, and even though I feel like I really should be getting into more directors by now, I am still taking this class because 'Tokyo Story' still makes me cry, and 'Good Morning' is full of fart noises. And, I am still annoyed that I didn't attempt to find the mysterious Setsuko Hara's home while in Kamakura. I think I was at a gift shop with other exchange students at the time. They kept showing me knives and American-made (?!?) armor. Yep, still annoyed.

Cultures of dictatorship in the southern cone seminar: interesting subject, except nerve-wracking because it's all in Spanish and it turns out I haven't spoken Spanish in more than a year. Also, whenever I am milliseconds away from saying something, my internal monitor goes through what I'm about to say, and it turns out to be a hybrid of Japanese and Spanish that really makes sense to no one, not even someone who is fluent in Japanese and Spanish. But, still exciting.

Historical linguistics, philology, and Tolkien: actually, wait. This class is the one I am most worried about, because for once I am NOT the biggest nerd in the class, and I have never read or seen any adaptations of Tolkien. Also I keep saying his name as if I am "tokin'" and this could be cause for a classmate to snap and chop off my head with novelty Elfin-shaped ears. But I might get to 'create my own language' for the final project, or something.

Now, if I could just learn to read.

2006-01-23 11:23 p.m.
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