What went wrong THIS time
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Shiiiit dude, I shouldn't even be typing in this box, I am fairly behind on my work and if I am going to do anything tomorrow I actually have to get on TOP of things. Ugg...

'Cherry Peel' is too distracting a soundtrack, it's too damned singalongy. Yet, I am not changing discs, because shit yes, I love it.

I met Dan/iel today, I can't tell if he's sarcastic all the time or had some humanness poking through from time to time. But eventually I deduced he was genuinely excited about Max Weinberg, which is all that matters.

"Whatevs," as they (and I) now say. I must get back to writing my response paper analyzing a magazine ad from the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Somehow, in this paper, I can't help but sound like I'm tearing the Make-A-Wish Foundation apart.

2004-09-20 11:42 p.m.
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