What went wrong THIS time
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1837 - Magnetic telegraph invented.

1893 - Panic of 1893 triggers a depression lasting until 1897.

2000 - the Kids in the Hall tour across North America (excluding Mexico, of course). Mika does not go.

2002 - the Kids in the Hall tour across North America (excluding Mexico .. so far). Mika JUST FOUND OUT THAT THE ONLY SHOW (so far) THAT SHE HAS EVEN THE MINUTE-EST CHANCE OF GOING TO IS SCHEDULED DURING THE SPRING TRIP. Mika is confused, and angry, and wondering what she should do at this stage in her life. Mika also reads the same history paragraphs eleven times and retains 0% of the information.

3000 - Mika takes over the universe and uses this immense power to watch old reruns of the "Janet Reno Dance Party" SNL sketch.

2002-02-19 9:01 p.m.
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