What went wrong THIS time
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God jesus, several months ago I was panicking about the lack of space on my hard drive that I was deleting and uninstalling programs left and right, and my heart sank into my fupa* when I realized I'd accidentally deleted MOTHERFUCKING MS PAINT, one of my most beloved programs. Well, I am still mourning. I don't have XP discs with me and am kind of at a loss.

I downloaded a popular open-source/linutzx graphic editing program yesterday, but it is so beyond me, in the same nutzo way that photoshop (and anything further than MS Paint, or Windows 3.0 Paintbrush) is. Man. The times.

* = "fat upper pussy area." Someone (maybe Heather?) made mention of that in a conversation and defined it for me. I actually don't think I have a fupa--which is strange, considering my build tendencies--but enjoy letting the word roll off my tongue, and through my lips.

2007-06-04 2:33 a.m.
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