What went wrong THIS time
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N(ow)P(laying): Rolling Stones, The - Miss You.mp3

I like this song a lot and I am glad I finally have a copy of it on hand. Lately there have been a lot of songs I like. They are mostly in mp3 format, but I still have a lot of good ones on CD. I am starting to think that the Rolling Stones are good for a large percentage of the time, which is really Very Good in my book.

What was I saying again? Oh yes, NOTHING.

Sitestuffs: it's gone; well, it's only accessible if you come over to my house and look at my folder on the desktop. But eventually I will get something up somewhere. I wish I hadn't procrastinated with looking for a new host, but .. TOO BAD, MIKA!

Also, my e-mail address has not been working for a looong while and it is EXTREMELY frustrating. I keep thinking about how much mail I've got in there -- not like actual e-mails from people (ahem .. well, maybe one), but all my stupid-but-lovable spam mail and notifylist messages and important things that I should know. Rrrrgh. I must fix that. I actually have [email protected] ready to be used (if perchance you wanna say "'EYYYY") but it is just a matter of finding every single blank I put my old e-mail address in and replacing it with a new one. Rrrrrrragh.

But oh well. I am not doing so badly otherwise, so no need to complain. Except for the whole sleeping thing -- not doing that great. I'm on a screwy schedule every day and I still haven't done all my homework (although I actually got done with my assface calculus homework that I thought would take an eternity! Score! That's Mika - 1, Calculus - the definite integral of x(x+1) over an interval of [-30,3pi/2]. Which is probably not a lot, but that is why I have but one point to my name).

And SATs are this Saturday -- I am being slightly bratty though, because my lunch table might be seeing 'Spiderman' on opening night and that happens to be the night before said test, but I still want to go, even if it means remaining unprepared for said test *and* not catching up on sleep lost during the week. Bah. Tobey Maguire is my lovah, um, kind of. Peter Parker is my lovah too. Put the two together and what do you have? the only boyfriend Mika will have - a far-off movie star slash comic book character.

I have mentioned my name several times in this entry.

I really feel like deleting this diary right now, but I know I will regret it come morning. OH WAIT it is morning. Haha. Must take two calculus quizzes in 6.5 hours ... hhahashhdsahhdsahh.

Oh, and who's your daddy?

2002-05-01 12:09 a.m.
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