What went wrong THIS time
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Long-term good-byes are strange. I have mostly had a casual attitude about them, then supplementing with some 'good luck' for things happening in the very near (not far) future. And I've been seeing people sporadically, so I feel like I should say a Good-bye because I don't know when I'll see them again, but then it's not as though I've left the country yet--I am really just going back to my house to look at youtube and youtube 2. So to avoid confusion, and Feelings bubbling to the surface, it's all.. "uhh, see you.."

But I have been hugging. At first just when people offer, but now I've turned into the offerer. It's strange and new. And stranger still that these g'byes give me kissing opportunities, and after thinking about missed ones for a long time, I utilized one yesterday. Nothing big or lippy, but the result of thinking and planning and care to not blow up fragile feelings underneath the surface.

also I have now missed at least two opportunities to see Jay Reatard on the 'blood visions' tour, ahghghahghg

2007-07-24 12:10 p.m.
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